Sunday, November 20, 2011

May, 2011 posts

Hi everybody,

Just want to let you all know what Dylan is up to these days.  He still struggles with things at school, the short-term memory loss, and processing skills.  However, he only has a few more weeks left, YEAH!
We will either have to get a tutor or I will work with him this summer at home, to help him retain what he has learned and hopefully not forget everything when he starts 6th grade.

He still gets scared about little things because he does not have much of a sense of security, since everything happened, we continue to pray about that!  

(He is in GOD'S HANDS)  

He still cannot play contact sports, but he stays entertained with his games, playing outside, shooting hoops at home and playing with sisters.

Hopefully this summer he will be able to get some swimming in, and we are going to attempt camping with the kids too!  Some of you may remember that Dylan got approved through Make-A-Wish Foundation last year for a wish, however, he was not able to do his wish because he had his second brain surgery.  Well, he was approved for another wish, and he chose a DISNEY CRUISE!  So, Make-A-Wish Foundation will be sending our whole family on a 6 day, 5 night cruise to the Bahamas this August!  We are ALL VERY EXCITED because we have not been on a vacation in 4 years, and last summer we spent 8 weeks at The University of Virginia hospital.  This will be the highlight of our summer!

We received our next doctors appointments, they are all in September, the week after he starts school!  He will get an MRI, and be seen by the cancer doctor, neuro-surgeon, and a new doctor called an endocrinologist.  The endocrinologist will be testing all of the glands in Dylan's body to check for any secondary cancers that may show up from the radiation that he had last summer.  So, we will be at Duke for 2 days of appointments.

Please continue to pray for our son and family, Dylan will have to receive ongoing tests and treatments, probably every 6 minths, unless something changes.

Thanks for all your support!  


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