Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Test Results.........

Dylan's endocrinologist, Dr. MacIver emailed me today and told me that the Prolactin and Thyroid labs that were ran last week on Dylan, came back normal, YEAH!  
So, Dylan only has to continue taking the meds 2x daily for the adrenal insufficiency.  While at Duke, I did confirm that there are no side effects of the drug for Dylan.  The doctors told me that because Dylan's ACTH gland in his brain is not making enough cortisol for his body, that his body needs it.  Because his body needs it, there will not be any side affects, however, the doctor did say that Dylan will have to take this for the rest of his life because the ACTH gland will shrink and stop making cortisol all together, KINDA SCARY!
I also have to carry around the emergency syringe kit if Dylan ever needs it, due to any PHYSICAL stress.

Dylan has been on his regular dosage of medication since 3-17, the doctors told me to monitor him for 7-10 days, and if he does not have any dizziness, that's great.  If he does have dizziness, I need to take him to a local ENT to check his inner ear.  I will also continue keeping a log of anything that happens, and updating the team of doctors at Duke as needed.  We will return to Duke again in six months, unless something happens before then.

We GREATLY APPRECIATE all the support, prayers, and donations, to help our family through this most recent follow-up.  May GOD Bless You ALL!

The Prater Family


  1. glad to hear he is doing better.we ask for prayers for another little salem boy,aj leffler who has just been diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor

    1. Oh my goodness, I would not wish what Dylan has been through on anybody! We will definately pray for AJ! Do you know what hospital he is in? PLEASE tell his parents if they need ANYTHING, including information or guidance, to send me an email at kerryprater@ymail.com, and I will do whatever I can to help them. Thank You!


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