Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dec., 2010 posts

December 2010

 At Apartment

I know I have not posted anything for a couple of days, SORRY! 
We have been catching up on sleep and just relaxing around the apartment.  Dylan is doing well, he has been resting a lot, but still getting up moving around, playing some video games here and there, and EATING EVERYTHING!!  After what he's been through he can eat as much as his little heart wants!  His biggest craving, he asks for everyday is HOT DOGS............not sure what's up with that!
He took a bath the other night, he said that felt really good, I washed as much of the iodine and dried up blood out of his hair as I could without getting near the stitches, but his head is itching A LOT!  We think it is probably a combination of  his head not being cleaned very good in the hospital and where they had to shave his head for surgery.
I have been walking around outside with him some, he likes to get out of the apartment a little.  He is doing pretty well with the walking, he's had a few incidents of loss of balance, but that's to be expected.
He does not like me preaching to him the proper way to get dressed with a head injury (this is the type of work I do with my patients, when I work), but he started listening, I still help him a little but mostly just keep and eye on him. 
We are weaning him off the pain meds and he is tolerating longer periods of time without the meds.  He has some cognitive deficits, not too bad, mostly remembering things incorrectly or saying the wrong words when talking, but this happened last time and with time resolved itself.  His eyes get very tired and he said it feels like the muscles are not working right sometimes, this can be expected also after this type of surgery.
Mike and I took off his gauze turban today, as well as, his bandage and tape from where the drain stitches were, and he turned white as a ghost because he was scared it was going to hurt and got all worked up about it.
Other than that Dylan is doing GREAT (including arguing with JADA, so I know he is feeling better! LOL : )
When we go to the doctor on Monday they are supposed to be removing his stitches and Dylan is already getting worried about the pain he thinks he will have with it.  The doctor told us to give him a half dose of his pain medicine ahead of time along with tylenol because he needs to do a neuro exam on him as well.
PLEASE PRAY FOR DYLAN TO NOT BE SCARED ABOUT THIS, and for a good report at his appt.
We should be returning home on Tuesday as long as everything goes well on Monday.
I am posting some after surgery pictures of Dylan, but they may be a littler graphic for the kids so you may want to look at them first.
Thanks for all the prayers, support, and comments!

The Prater Family



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