Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nov., 2010 posts

Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 6:56pm

Well friends I write to you all with a very heavy heart tonight!!! : ( 

Dylan had his MRI with and without contrast this morning (had an IV placed inn arm and fluid put in veins to see the brain tumor better), that went well.  Then after going to the wrong bldg 3x we ended up at The Children's hospital where the Brain tumor center is.....our appt was scheduled for 1230 and we did not get seen by the neurosurgeon until 145pm.  His name is Dr. Grant, he told us basically that the tumor needs to be taken out of Dylan's brain, we can wait, however, the longer we wait the more chance we take of this tumor spreading to other locations in the brain and into the spine!  We saw the pictures of his MRI's taken in June B4 1st surgery, Sept., right after radiation, and the one taken today......the fluid looks good BUT the tumor has not decreased at all in size from the radiation.  The docs did say the radiation could still be working but the tumor still needs to come out.   After talking with Dr. Grant, we saw the Brain tumor oncology specialist his name is hard to pronounce so everybody calls him Dr. G,  after reviewing all of Dylan's tests and MRI's he agrees with Dr. Grant, that the tumor needs to come out, sooner rather that later.  This is a very SERIOUS IN DEPTH surgery, Dylan would be in the hospital for approx. a week and his recovery time and therapy would be much more involved with this surgery.  The neurosurgeon, Dr. Grant seems very comfortable with this surgery and says he feels very comfortable with it because he has done hundreds of surgeries similar to this.  Mike asked both of the doctors...."If this were your son, what option would you choose......have the surgery right away or wait and see what happens?"  They both responded the same way.....they would get the surgery done and not wait too long before getting it done.  Mike and I have discussed everything and have decided to have the surgery done, we just need to call back the docs tomorrow and let them know our decision and what a good time for us would be.  We are going to see if the week after Christmas is available, that way our family can enjoy a nice holiday together beforehand.  We also talked to Dylan about all this and he says he wants the surgery after Christmas also.  Mike and I are SCARED to death about this decision and we hope we are making the right decision!  We don't want to wait very long because the tumor could spread and grow, and we don't want to say let's wait and 3-4 months down the road the tumor gets bigger and then is inoperable, if it were to spread to his spine, surgery is not much of an option, the only thing that could be done then would be more radiation to the spine.  If it spreads to different areas of the brain then the chances of a succesful operation of getting all the cancer are VERY slim.So, we did not leave the hospital until 415pm today, so we decided to stay one more night here at the hotel to relax (if that's possible) and return home tomorrow.  This has been a very stressful, draining day and as I type this i am trying to maintain composure in front of the kids, but the inside of me wants to SCREAM AND CRY!!  Please pray for our family as we travel and while trying to figure out how to schedule everything for our family around this upcoming surgery.  We will be at church this weekend selling our bracelets again in the lobby at all four services if anybody is interested in purchasing them to help us out financially for our upcoming trips and expenses.We will be home tomorrow, see you all when we return.
Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 12:30pm
We made it home yesterday around 130pm, we were all drained, mentally and physically. I took comfort in all the friends that sent their prayers and thoughts via FB and email. I also cried and slept a lot today....... As I was laying in the bed with our baby Kaylee, I was reading messages and I just started crying again. At that time I just cried out to Jesus and started praying to him about everything, mostly for peace with our decision and guidance. As I finished praying, my sweet baby girl Kaylee (only 16mnths), reached over with her baby blanket and started wiping my tears away, saying "mama, mama" and giving me hugs and kisses! Ever since that happened today I have been at peace and able to enjoy the time with my family. To all parents out there.....time is so precious, make the effort to put your family and especially your children first! Don't think about it, or say well maybe tomorrow, or if only! You NEVER know when your perfect world will be TURNED UPSIDE DOWN, and there may not be a tomorrow!

Monday, November 15, 2010 at 11:10am

Hi everybody, well IT'S OFFICIAL.....Dylan's surgery date is NOV 24th, that's RIGHT, the day before Thanksgiving!  We needed to schedule his surgery before the end of the year so that my husband would be able to accept donated vacation from other employees at his work, and it has to be donated to my husband before the end of the year or it's lost and Mike would not get paid.....THAT WOULD NOT BE GOOD!  Anyways the only 2 days available, other than this week, were 11/24 or 12/20 and we really did not want Dylan to be in the hospital during Christmas, so we chose next week.  He has PRE-OP screening and appointments on WED. 11/23, then on 11/24 an MRI at 700am and SURGERY AT NOON! (unless something changes this is pretty solid)I want tom clarify a couple things from my last note.......the neurosurgeon at UVA originally told us that Dylan's tumor was inoperable because he felt uncomfortable doing the surgery.  The Neurosurgeon at Duke feels comfortable doing this surgery b/c this is ALL he does and he specializes in PEDIATRIC BRAIN TUMORS, the doc at UVA did not; and that's the major difference of opinions, not to mention, the ONLY Pediatric Brain Tumor SPECIALIST we got to see at UVA lasted about 5mins and that was back in JUNE, (to diagnose the cancer), we kept getting told we would see a specialist and had a couple appts set up to see one and then mysteriously NEVER SAW ONE!So, moving forward, please pray for Dylan and our family through this.  Mike and I feel this is the best decision for Dylan, and we have talked with Dylan about all of this, he said, "I want it out mommy, it ruined my summer, and I did not get to play football."  Most of all we have prayed about this, and it's in GOD'S HANDS now!I am in the process of trying to set up a place to stay in Durham, we will be leaving on Monday 11/22, we were told by the docs that Dylan will be in the hospital approx. one week, that would be about DEC 1st.  Mike's mom will be going with our family to help take care of the girls and we can all rotate with Dylan in the hospital.  Dylan will not be able to eat Thanksgiving dinner right after surgery, so we are going to try and put something together this weekend so we can have one  together before we leave.We will be very busy trying to get everything together before we leave, so if anybody has any questions please email them to me and I will respond as I can.  Thanks for all the prayers and support!  (

The Prater Family
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 11:07pm

I just wanted to let everybody know the exact date and times for Dylan next week.  We will be leaving for Duke on Monday November 22nd, so we can get there and get situated where we are staying.  Then on Tuesday 11/23 Dylan has a pre-op appt at 115pm, then will meet with the neurosurgeon Dr. Grant, at 2pm.  On WEDNESDAY he will have an MRI at 700am, then his surgery will be sometime around noon, we will not have an exact time until that morning......I will  let everybody know as soon as we do.  I want to say a HUGE THANKS  to every person, organization, family, church, etc. that have come together to help our family in all kinds of ways through this ordeal. I have to say I have been having a very hard time with this and at times I have questioned God as to why this is happening, then on Sunday, my pastor, Ken Nienke at Fellowship Community Church in Salem, prayed with me, as well as, a few other friends from the church, and I can HONESTLY SAY, I feel at peace with our decision and I no longer question God about it.  He has a plan and it is not for me to question but to obey and be strong for my children and husband.......I know GOD still works miracles everyday, and I feel like everything is going to be ok. We sincerely appreciate everyone's support, I know the economy is bad and there are a lot of needy families in our community that also need help, so we are truly blessed through the help of others! A SPECIAL THANKS GOES OUT TO......the DAV members in Salem and the VFW, for providing financial donations to help our family be able to pay for our stay while at Duke. ANOTHER SPECIAL THANKS TO.......members of our church, Fellowship Communiy Church in Salem for helping our family financially with the fundraiser of the bracelets a couple weekends ago, that will also help with our stay at Duke this upcoming week!   A FINAL THANKS TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT PRAYS, WORRIES, AND SUPPORTS OUR FAMILY THROUGH ALL OF THIS!!!  We know there are hundreds of people out there behind the scenes, that we don't even know that have helped us in various ways and all we can do is say THANK YOU ALL AND GOD BLESS YOU!  If there are others out there that would like to help, we could use gift cards for groceries, meals etc.  There is a Kroger and a Walmart near where we will be staying.  We could also use dinners while we are here at home when we return.  If anybody wants to help just email me at  We are stll accepting donations into: 
Dylan Prater Benevolence Fund at any Salem VA Credit Union. 

This information is from the Duke website 
Mail and flower deliveries should be addressed to: 
DYLAN PRATER, Duke Children's Hospital, Durham, NC 27710. 
Please include the child's room number, if available, and ask correspondents to mark letters clearly as "Patient Mail." 

Thanks, The Prater Family
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at 12:38pm

Hi everybody,
We finally made it to the apartment last night around 830pm, so much for leaving our house at 100pm!!  We also had to stop a couple times on the way here because of Kaylee being fussy.
If anybody wants to send anything via mail, our address at the apartment is:  
714 Kipling Way, Durham, NC 27713, and WHEN WE RECEIVE DYLAN'S ROOM # I WILL POST IT, until then please:

ANY mail and flower deliveries should be addressed to DYLAN PRATER, Duke Children's Hospital, Durham, NC 27710. Please include the child's room number, if available, and ask correspondents to mark letters clearly as "Patient Mail." After your child leaves the hospital, mail will be forwarded to your home address. Please note that flowers are not allowed on some intensive care units.    THE PHONE # TO OUR APARTMENT IS 919-484-1148, if you have any questions please call this phone#m and due to the circumstances please limit your phone calls to the hospital or my cell.  My husband, Mike and his mom, Brenda will be at the apartment phone # most of the time and will be able to answer questions.
I will post more later today after Dylan's pre-op appointments.
Thank you all,

The Prater Family
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at 11:22pm
HEY EVERYBODY, Sorry it took so long to get this out we have had a VERY LONG DAY!  First off,  I know everybody wants to know this.......DYLAN'S SURGERY IS scheduled for 1045 TOMORROW, it will last approx. 4hours.  Now, when they take him to the O. R. at 1045, that does not mean the surgeon starts exactly at that may be 30 mins after that (for prep time, etc), the neuro team will call me to tell me that the surgery is starting and I will notify everybody. 
Now for today, it seemed like we were there ALL DAY......Dylan was seen by an anesthesiologist pre-op nurse, that went over his history.  Then he saw this awesome lady named...Judy Johnson and she is a Certified Child Life Specialist.  She took us in to this room that looked like a big play room with a ton of toys, and explained everything to Dylan.  She let him see and touch every piece of instrument that will be going in his body and explained every tiny step involved with it and how it will help him.  Dylan is very ANXIOUS about IV's and needles in general, ever since his surgery at UVA in June because he had one IV that was left in his arm too long and by the time it was taken out it hurt him very badly!  So what this lady did made Dylan feel so much better and he told her he felt better about everything. Then we got a tour of the hospital and the pre-op room......Dylan ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS, because each room (which is private) has an XBOX 360 IN IT,  so guess what Dylan will be doing while we are waiting for him to go to surgery.  : ) So we have to be at the hospital at 645 am, for his MRI with contrast at 7am, which means I have to put this "magic numbing cream" on his veins on both hands at 545am so it can numb his hands to put the IV in him.  After the MRI (will probably last about 30mins) we will go to the pre-op room, until his surgery, and we will meet his anesthesia team and talk with the surgeon, Dr. Grant again about the procedure.  We were told that Dylan will have a lot of things on and in his head,  he will have an incision in the back of his skull, where the doc will cut a piece of his skull off, he will have a tube sticking out of the top of his head to help monitor any fluid in his brain for a couple of days, and he will have these round things placed around the outside of his head that the doctor will use during surgery kind of like a laser beaming into the actual brain tissue and that part of the tissue will show up on a computer monitor for the doctor to see better, because everything is so intricate and tiny in there.  On top of all that, his head will be bandaged all the way around with gauze, and his head will be shaved in various places for the incisions and placement of round nodules.After surgery only one person is allowed to stay with him in the P.I.C.U., he will stay in there a day or 2, then be moved to a private room where 2 people can stay with him.  Visitors are allowed, however, there can only be 2 in the room at a time, and he will be on a floor that is locked down, we have to have badges to come and go in there.There is also a lot of stuff on the pediatric floor set up for families and visitors like activites, etc, so that will be nice for the girls when we take them up there.OH!  Forgot to tell everybody, the other day at school Dylan got to meet and talk with a cancer survivor that had brain surgery when he was younger (helped him feel much better), and he told Dylan how he had named his tumor, so Dylan and him came up with the name "PAPPY" (since it's called pappillary tumor), and then TODAY, we came up with the saying, "PEACE OUT PAPPY",  
Well I have to get up at 5am, so I better get to bed, I will have my computer with me at the hospital tomorrow and I will post updates as I can.  I will also take pics and post them as I can.Talk to you all tomorrow, please continue the prayers to help destroy PAPPY and all his friends! 

The Prater's
Wednesday, November 24, 2010 at 12:31pm

 OK EVERYBODY, I know you have all been waiting......

Dylan is in surgery, the neuro-surgeon called us at 1145 to tell us he is starting to cut into his scalp.   When we got here Dylan got his IV put in, then the doc came in and shaved 4 spots on his head to place the laser nodules, that kinda hurt Dylan because the doc used a cheap plastic razor and did not use water or anything to shave the spots!  Then he was taken for his MRI (lasted about 15mins), then we just hung out in the pre-op room watching Dylan play basketball on the XBOX 360.  During that time the neurosurgeon came in to talk with us and told us this surgery could last anywhere from 4-6hrs, he feels like it will be more towards the 6 hour time frame.  He talked with us about what he was going to do and told us the incision will be verticall on the back of his head, and that he would like to take the tube in his throat out before he comes to the PICU, but if needed they will still leave it in, and they will place another IV in his arm and an arterial IV in the artery of his wrist, these will stay in when he goes to PICU, and of course he will have bandages wrapped around his head.  Dylan was not scared, I prayed with him, Mike and I gave him lots of hugs and kisses and I told him all the angels and Jesus will be taking care of him, I also reminded him of ALL THE PRAYER WARRIORS that we have sending messages to heaven for the good result, safety, and guidance during this surgery. We met the anesthesiologists and talked with them about everythiing, and then they put some "FEEL GOOD JUICE" in his IV and within 20seconds he was falling asleep!   I got kinda nervous because he went from happy go lucky, laughing, and playing to very quiet, and looking like he was going to cry!  The anesthesiologists told me it's all normal and the drug they gave him takes affect very quickly.So Dylan was taken from us in pre-op at 1030 and we did not get the call that the surgeon was actually starting the surgery until 1145 
(it was all prep time).               

So, we are waiting now, WE NEED OUR PRAYER WARRIORS NOW!!!! Throughout the surgery we will get updates, as I get them, I will send them to everyone.  I took pictures of everything this morning and will post them in a little while for everybody to see. 

Talk with you all later!


surgery update

 JUST AN UPDATE............ Since surgery started at 1145, the doctor called the nurse 2x to tell us that they are still working on Dylan. (he’s probably about half way through surgery)I also just found out that he has an appt. now on Monday, 12/6 at 2pm for his post-op visit for evaluation of his incisions, etc.  We had originally planned on being here through approx. 12/3, however, Dr. Grant (neurosurgeon) does not have clinic on Fridays so they can’t move the appt up.  


JUST GOT WORD.......the docs are closing up Dylan's head, and we will talk to doctor soon!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010 at 9:51am

Good morning......HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!

First off let me say, I am sorry about not posting again last night, we got very busy when Dylan moved to the PICU, and Mike and I had to go eat something, when we returned to the room Dylan had to get a CT Scan, by then it was 1130.......I WAS EXHAUSTED, and went back to the apartment for some sleep while Mike stayed with Dylan.

So.....about 530ish last night the neuro-surgeon came out to talk with us,  he yold us everything went very well and he was pleasantly pleased with the surgery.  H e said there were 3 cysts attached to the tumor, they got those and the tumor out, it came off the arterial wall linings very easily without much effort.  He said they took extra time at the end of surgery to look around for any other tumor pieces, several times, and they could not find anymore tissue!!!!  This is AMAZING b/c most of the time there is tissue left behind!  That is NOT TO SAY that it won't return, b/c these tumors are mostly recurrent, however,  I feel like with all the prayer warriors we have in place and all the messages to God for our beautiful boy, that may not be the case for us!  
After the conversation with the doctor we were able to come to the PICU where Dylan was, and he was in and out last night, he HATED  the catheter!  He was moving his head, all his limbs, and able to see and sort of talk to us; his throat is still real scratchy and dry from being intubated during surgery and he sounds like a cat trying to clear out a furball, but we suction the stuff out as it comes up.  His head is bandaged all the way around, he has a tube sticking out from the top right of his head to help monitor any pressure and monitor any fluids, but it won't be in there very long.  He also has a huge vertical incision in the back middle part of his head, the doctor had to cut into his scalp and remove a rectangular piece of his skull so he could get to the tumor, so when the skull was replaced it was screwed back into place using titanium screws.  So needless to say his head hurts.  I waited for the night rounds, around 11pm to see what they had to say,, then I went back to the apartment to get some sleep while Mike stayed here.
I got back to the hospital this morning a little after 6am, and the doctors came by for rounds at 730am.

The neurosurgeon, Dr Grant said, Dylan is doing VERY WELL, that he could have the catheter removed, which has already been done, he can try and have fluids to drink, they are going to clamp off the valve in head to see how Dylan does without it being used, he will see a Physical Therapist to see about some more movement, and we will be moving from PICU to the Pediatric floor today, YEAH!!!!

I helped the nurse with changing his gown and getting him positioned in the bed properly, he was able to help us using his legs and arms to push, which is WONDERFUL!!!

OK, had to stop typing, Dylan started throwing up after drinking a tiny bit of water, so I wiped him down and the nurse and I changed his gown and bedding, then she gave him meds and he is sleeping comfortable now.

I will update more later as we learn more,  and I DESPERATELY NEED COFFEE!

OH!  I have taken lots of pics, I am working on them and then will put them on later today.


Thursday, November 25, 2010 at 10:34pm
Hi Everybody....   I just got back to the apartment (915pm) and I am eating dinner, then a NICE HOT BATH, then bed!    Mike is at the hospital with Dylan, he is still doing well.  He is more alert, moving around, talking and they removed the catheter this morning so he is urinating in the urinal now, which he is VERY HAPPY ABOUT!  
The doctors and nurses are still monitoring the CSF fluid and pressure in his brain very closely so that it does not cause infection or increase again.  Unfortunately he did not get moved out of PICU today because the unit he is supposed to go to is full, so maybe and hopefully tomorrow, plus the nurse stays in his room with him all the time in the PICU, and he will not get that close of attention in the other unit b/c the nurse will have a higher patient to nurse ratio.  We sat him up in the bed today, he is helping us move him using his arms and legs, and he is slowly moving his head on his own, but he is very sore.  He watched a movie on TV for awhile today but when he talks to us, he whispers instead of using his voice, probably because his throat is still hurting from the intubation, and is still very confused about things.   
Tomorrow is a normal working day for the hospital so he will probably get his MRI and be seen by a Physical Therapist.  He is tolerating fluids well and moved up from water to ginger ale today, so far he is keeping it down.  He is just taking it slow so hopefully he won't throw up anymore.  I have a ton of pictures I know I keep promising to send, but I have been editing them all day, not quite done yet so hopefully I will get those out tomorrow some time.  Well I am going to relax in a bath now, I plan on being at the hospital before 730am because that's when Dr. Grant will come around again with information and rounds.  

Thank You ALL, hope you had a great Turkey Day! 


quick update

Just want to let everybody know real quick, we just got moved into a private room# 5311 ANY mail and flower deliveries should be addressed to DYLAN PRATER, Duke Children's Hospital, RM# 5311, Durham, NC 27710. Mark letters clearly as "Patient Mail." After your child leaves the hospital, mail will be forwarded to your home address. Not sure how long we will be here; will post in depth update shortly.

Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 2:34pm
Dylan had a very rough day yesterday so I did not have time to post anything.
The early morning started out pretty good, Dylan ate some cereal/milk and drank about 2 cans of grape juice,kept it down and LOVED IT!  However, later he had his arterial IV taken out and that hurt him.  Then the Neuro docs came in and took the wraps off of his head, then they had to remove the tapes and bandages off the back of his head and he screamed and cried b/c it hurt so bad, he was squeezing my hand VERY HARD!  Before all this happened he was taken off of IV pain meds and switched to oral medication which  not get into his system as fast for the pain.  Then a couple hours later he was taken to have a one hour MRI where he had to lay on his back and head the whole time. 
I was able to see the incision on the back of his head it's about 6inches from the base of the middle of his neck to the top back part of his head.  I took pictures but I have not posted them yet.  When he was done with the MRI, they brought him to his new room 5311, and we have a private room with a TV, full bathroom, a mini refrigerator, and most importantly a nice wide chair that pulls out like a sofa into a bed.  I slept on the bed last night and it felt wonderful!
Fast forward to today.........The neurosurg doctor came by this morning and said that the MRI looks GREAT and they do not see anything left behind.  They are slowly decreasing the pressure in his brain by using a tube that is sticking out of the top of his head.  They are monitoring this until they feel like Dylan's body can handle the pressure of fluid on his own for a period of time, then they will take the tube out of his head.  Once the tube is out they will continue to monitor him until they feel that everything is stable before discharging him, sooo in a perfect world, if everything goes well we could be returning home next week, we'll just have to wait and see.
Physical therapy came in today and Dylan sat up on the edge of the bed with the PT holding him, then he stood up and walked a very short distance with her help.  Which is wonderful considering the surgery and the tube in his head, and Dylan has been laying in the bed everyday until now.
So things are moving along nicely, I will be posting pictures shortly.
Thanks for all the support and prayers, please continue to pray, we are not out of the woods yet.  Also since Dylan's tumor "PAPPY" is out of his head, our new saying is "PIECE OUT PAPPY", yes I spelled it properly, it means the piece of tumor is out of his head. 
So, talk to you all later................."PIECE OUT PAPPY!!!"

Monday, November 29, 2010 at 5:16pm
Sorry it’s taking so long to get back to all of you!  I haven’t had time to do much of anything, except tend to Dylan, even the girls want me all the time too, and I need to be here with Dylan b/c Mike can’t handle the blood or stitches and he does not know what to do when Dylan is in severe pain like he is right now. Anyways, here is a quick summary:  he had physical therapy again yesterday afternoon and was able to walk a bit further than the day before!  His afternoon went pretty well until his other IV in his foot blew, which means the fluids they were forcing in his IV like antibiotics etc, started stinging his veins as it went into his foot, so they had to take that one out.  So, he did not have anymore IV’s in and they had to call and IV team to put yet another one in his arm this time and he screamed and cried with that.Last night went pretty well, he sat and stood at the edge of the bed a couple times, with my help, and he was able to walk to the bathroom with my help.  His appetite has increased and he kept saying his stiches and tape are itchy, other than that he had a calm evening. 
Today has been HORRIBLE! 

The nurse practitioner for Dr. Grant came in this morning and removed the tape from over the top of the drain, took out the stitches that held the drain in the top of his head, then she cleaned the area.  After that she put 2 needles into the top of his head filled with lidicane, to numb the area from the top of his brain, and then stitched the hole that the drain came out of and Dylan felt some of that where it had not numbed completely!  During all this I was helping the nurse practitioner, and letting Dylan squeeze the bejeezees out of my hands, at the same time blood was gushing out of his head, along the side, down his neck and into his ear, and he was screaming and crying, I almost cried, but I held it together!  Then she took the bandage off the back of his head (tape and all), after all this she gave him a brief break while I cleaned up all the blood and washed him off. Then she took 2 gauze pads and did a very tight compressed wrapping all the way around his head to keep everything tight.  
This was all about 1230 today, and since then he has been in excruciating pain, he has had Motrin, Tylenol and oxycodone, been in and out of sleep, and he can’t have any more pain meds for another 1 1/2 hrs.  He says it hurts to talk, breath, hiccup, he can barely move around in the bed let alone sit up in the bed, he just keeps screaming and crying when he wakes up!  He says it feels like there is fluid gushing around his head and neck, so I had the nurse page neuro, we are waiting for that right now. I just stepped out of the room for a minute to take a phone call and he freaked out and started yelling again, told me not to leave the room.  His eyes are very sensitive to light, it hurts them, and he does not want the TV on or any noise b/c it hurts his head, so I am sitting here in the dark room with him. OH! And on top of all this we got moved to another private, bigger room on the 7th floor, room # 7724.      
Meanwhile, physical therapy came by 2x wanting to work with him and I told her it probably would not happen today because of his severe pain and he can’t even move side to side in the bed without screaming in pain.  He will not be able to leave the hospital until he can walk long distances without being dizzy or off balance, walk up and down 8 stairs, and be able to get in and out of a car (these all have to be done safely & properly)! Before the drain came out, we had to almost make him keep Tylenol in his system so that he would not be in pain, and now he is constantly in severe pain and says the meds are not helping.  I got him calmed down again, thank god for the soothing music I brought with me, so he is sleeping again, he has not eaten, he is barely drinking anything, and he is a little constipated.  So we will wait and see what neuro says when they come in.  I will try to send an update when I know something.  
Thanks for everything,
Kerry Prater


Thanks to ALL OUR PRAYER WARRIORS yesterday.........................Dylan had LOTS of pain meds, every 4 hours, and he was able to sleep through the night without any pain! 
This morning he woke up about 530am and was not in a huge amount of pain, he actually sat up in the bed then moved to the side of the bed and stand with me.  Once standing, he was able to walk with me around the room to sit in a chair.  About an hour later the neurosurgeon and his team came in for rounds, and based on Dylan's severe pain & anxiety yesterday they changed his pain meds and also added Valium.  So now he has a total of 6 daily meds he is taking and half of those are pain meds.  The doctor wanted Dylan to do Physical Therapy today and see how he did with that and his pain levels, then possibly leave today.
So, the Physical Therapist came and got Dylan.....she got him out of the bed and walked with him down the hall, then she took him in the wheelchair to the physical therapy gym.  While in the gym he was able to walk up and down stairs with Supervision and using the handrails, then we simulated getting in and out of a vehicle.  He did GREAT with all of this, just needed a few reminders and some supervision to complete it all, and his pain level was only 1 on a scale of 1 to 10.  So the physical therapist cleared him to leave the hospital, and the doctor did too!          
(I have pictures & videos of this, I will post later)
So WE ARE OUT OF THE HOSPITAL!  We left the hospital about 2pm, got all his meds filled and came back to the apartment. Dylan had a little pain when we hit bumps, but other than that he did pretty good. 
So, we are all at the apartment now and we decided to stay here until Tuesday 12/7  for 2 reasons:  Dylan has a follow-up appt with the neurosurgeon at Duke at 2pm on Monday 12/6, and we don't feel comfortable driving all the way home with Dylan and take the chance of something happening or him being in severe pain again and not have anywhere to go.  
So thanks to every prayer warrior out there!! God is good and he has answered ALL of our prayers thus far!!!
If anybody wants to call us, we have a phone # at the apartment it is:  919-484-1148 and our address is:  714 Kipling Way, Durham, NC 27713 BUT PLEASE NO PHONE CALLS AFTER 8PM, kids will be in bed, and I cannot guarantee that Dylan will be awake if you call because he is on a lot of meds!

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