Sunday, November 20, 2011

July, 2011 posts

Dylan's latest happenings

Just keeping everybody informed about Dylan.  He had a hard time with some SOL’s at the end of the year, so he is now receiving tutoring every week, to help him refresh what he missed during the school year, and to help him retain the information for 6th grade.
As you all know, he is not allowed to play contact sports until cleared by his doctor at Duke, well when he learned about football sign-ups and practices starting, he started crying.  We tried to explain to him that if he were to sustain an injury to his head, things could get much worse for him as far as his memory and processing issues.  However, it still breaks his heart that he can’t play…………it tears me up inside to see him this way, I just want fix everything for him and make things better!  (I guess it’s the mamma bear in me)  He still practices basketball at home and plays outside, I told him if he gets cleared by the doctor, when we go to Duke in September, then he will be able to play basketball, and that may just be his sport anyways, we tried to cheer him up, but it did not help much.  We will continue to pray about this and for God to help Dylan be able to cope with all his emotions/feelings about this while situation.
We were able to go camping for a weekend, and we went with another family.  We all had a BLAST, especially for the first time ever going as a family.  It was very relaxing and we had fun swimming, playing, and sitting around the camp fire at night just talking.  We have also been swimming at least once a week, it gets Dylan some exercise and we all get to have fun in the water.
We will be going on our Disney Cruise in about 3 weeks; we are all REALLY excited about this!  Hopefully it will help Dylan feel happy! 
Please continue to pray for our son and family, we go to Duke Sept. 14-16 for Dylan’s appointments, and he will have to receive ongoing tests and treatments, probably every 6 months, unless something changes.
Thanks for all your support!
Kerry Prater



Here are some inspirational/biblical quotes and videos to hopefully help others.
1) God will make a way, IF YOU LET GO AND TRUST IN HIM!
‎"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. ...In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6Sometimes we all need this reminder - put all of your trust in the Lord! He will carry you through. By: GodVine
that when you feel down, look at yourself through God's eyes. There are times when no matter how hard you try, you just cannot accept yourself as you are. During such times, think of how you look to God's eyes. In God's eyes, there is no judgment, there is only acceptance. God sees your light when all that you can see are your shadows. God loves you more than anyone could ever love you as you really are.
3) This story and GOD'S WORK IS TRULY AMAZING!!!!!!
When this 2 year old boy fell out of his 2nd floor window, no one gave him a chance. But just when all hope was nearly lost, the amazing happened. You have to see this!

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